Dad has been extremely busy and has been working on the voice over studio renovation day and night. I can’t believe how much it has changed already!
The new wall has been constructed and lots of soundproofing has been put in place. Thanks go to our local joiner Stuart Finlayson for all his work with this wall. Originally the building had 2 huge front facing windows and doors so having this wall will remove most of the noise from the double glass doors end of the room. Dad managed to source a triple glazed door and that has now been put in place. I can’t believe the difference that this has made to the sound levels already and it will definitely help with the temperature in the winter. The bright blue door is nice but Dad already has a plan for colour scheme so the door will be fitting in with this.
As you can see from the pictures there is still lots to do but the studio is really starting to take shape now and I can picture roughly where things will be going. In the image with the window arch on the left and the ladder on the right, the Kube vocal booth will go in that back corner. You can’t see it on the image but Dad has marked out the booth dimensions on the floor. The image with the blue door is showing the entrance hall. The glass doors are behind me when I took this picture. The blue doors will eventually be painted to match the room décor. In the other picture you can see the grey door and to the left of that is a tiny kitchen and then a small toilet beyond the second door. The small kitchen area originally housed a sink but Dad has come up with a plan to fit a sink, boiler, cupboard, shelving space, oil heater and a microwave… it is all going to come down to some very tight measurements but I’m sure he can do it!
I’m very grateful to Dad for taking on all the renovations as the project wouldn’t be feasible otherwise! I’m very lucky as he is a complete perfectionist so I can’t wait to see what the finished voiceover studio looks like!
For years this Scottish Voiceover artist has been working in a very small home studio, which is a converted cupboard. When I wanted to record a voiceover I would have to set up the equipment and then take it back down again afterwards. The set up was very minimal but it was still a hassle. The wee home booth has done me proud but I can’t wait to have a dedicate space to work in. Before, my editing had to be done in a communal part of the house so there was never a door I could close at the end of the day to signify the end of the working day. That will be one of the biggest changes that this new studio will give me. A dedicated place to do the day job and hopefully I’ll be able to switch off more at home.